Monday, May 7, 2012

Mommy-Daddy time.

So, the fiance and I went on our first date as parents without our LO. We took her to Mamaw's house for a few hours while we ate and went to see The Avengers. (If you haven't seen it yet, GO SEE IT! Seriously, it's AMAZING!) As soon as we pulled out of her driveway to go, I missed my Sweet-Pea and it felt so weird to not have her with us. (As you can tell, we don't spend a lot of time without her. Actually, this is really the first time he and I have gone anywhere together without her and that was the longest I've gone without her.) Fiance took it much better, but I guess it has to do with the fact that I haven't been without her since I was pregnant lol. My point is, it's important for you to leave your baby periodically starting at this age with someone you trust so that you get your 'me-time' and you and your SO get 'us-time' and it gets the baby used to being around other people even when you're not there and gets you used to being sans baby for a little bit. As difficult as it is for some to leave their LO for any amount of time, it's healthier and better for you all in the long run because you need some time away to keep your sanity and you want your LO to be comfortable in social situations, especially when it becomes preschool time.

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