Friday, June 8, 2012


So, as I stated in my last post, I've begun exclusively breastfeeding my baby. Because of this, I've also started pumping again. I've come to the conclusion that my poor baby's tummy cannot handle the formula since she really hasn't had as bad tummy pains and gas, then I had my grandma watch her so I could go see a movie and so she gave her a bottle of the formula I packed, she calls because we forgot the gas drops and I hear my baby screaming in the background from pain. She was raising her legs, scruntching up her body and screaming in pain. :/ Anyways, so I started trying to pump again, once a day, so she'd have food in case I needed to get out of the house or in an emergency. It took a few days and buying bigger shields for me to be able to pump out two ounces. It's not as much as I was hoping for, but it's better than nothing.All I can say is 'thank God fot the Medela breast pump!'

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